Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I Was Right... join the AFA.

I had been struggling with where my place was: paganism/Asatru/the AFA, or the Episcopalians (and most specifically, St Richard's).

Given some discussion that has gone down in the Bible study, I think it's the AFA.

I have the impression that with the AFA, I would not be looked down on or belittled for certain views that I have, no matter how politically incorrect they may be according to most other people.

I do not think I would be "punished" for believing that all people - including myself - have inherent worth and dignity that should be respected. All people, including my people. 

I'll have to return to that thought later; I'd like to make a comment here.

In recent years, I've discovered the videos and podcasts of a number of scientists, including Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins, Michio Kaku, Carl Sagan, Bill Nye and many others. These people all tell us that we - all of humanity, and all earthly beings, even inanimate ones - are made of star stuff.

This to me is nothing short of a wonder. I am of the universe. We all are.

But of course - what else would we be of? This universe is our home. We can't be separated from it in any way, no matter how hard we try. And within this view, this understanding of who we really are, I guess I don't really "need" these entities called gods and goddesses. All I need is to know that I too am part of the universe - and all that I am.

It is my hope that there is room for this view within the AFA.

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